You are an energetically sensitive Soul that wants the best for everyone. 

You can’t understand why this world is full of hate, anger and lower vibrational energies. You tend to withdraw because the world is too much for you to bear sometimes. you have a small close knit community supporting you, people that you know you can trust.

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Your core value is Loyalty. Committing to what you promise is something that comes naturally to you and you expect the same from others within your inner circle. It’s profoundly disappointing to you when people don’t keep their word. This is a huge break in trust and it causes a rift in your relationships.

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Pleiadians are energetically sensitive people that find the Earth to be a harsh place to live.

As a Pleiadian incarnate, you’ll resonate with one of two core archetypes.

Pleiadian Absorber

If you’re an absorber, you will take on the worlds problems, finding it difficult to discern between your own energy and someone else’s.

Pleiadian Drainer 

As a drainer, you will unintentionally lean into someone else’s energy through neediness because you don’t feel comfortable relying on your own energy and depending on yourself for your own survival. 

Regardless of your Archetype, you can get overly emotional and ungrounded, thereby derailing your mission by focusing on what’s wrong rather than what’s right with the world. You can be overly passionate about helping people, animals and the planet as a whole, which means that you get overwhelmed by the details easily and lose sight of the big picture.

You have big goals and even bigger visions, but if you don’t ground the energy that you feel, you could end up feeling very restless and also sabotaging your bigger goals. People often don’t understand your energy because you can be very high one minute and very low the next. It’s important to fully embrace your human experience, the good, the bad and the ugly as something that you chose with your free will. You’ll be much happier when you do!

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Pleiadians survived a catastrophic planet collapse and re-homing, so root chakra issues are especially pertinent to you. You value the 3 S’ - safety, security and stability more than anything else. You seek to find balance in your home environment, relationships, work and health. The most important balance you can find is the one within yourself and the others will balance themselves.

Your core fears are losing your home, family or security. You often worry about your ability to support yourself and your loved ones. For this reason, you really dislike change, even when you KNOW it needs to happen.

You find it difficult to trust others and you don’t give it freely to just anyone. It needs to be earned! There is a part of you that feels connected to the greater whole, but there is a shadow side to your energy that may feel bitterness or resentment to receiving any help from God or the Universe. This energy has to do with betrayal and feeling let down in past incarnations, likely your Pleiadian lifetime(s). This will make it very difficult for you to receive help from others, or to help yourself. So, it will feel like the Universe has abandoned you.

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You LOVE new beginnings, even if you struggle to initiate or accept the changes at first. Once you’re on the other side of it, it’s party time! You may even ask yourself, “What was I so worried about?” Yet time and time again, you fall into the same cycle.

Family is very important to you, it’s what makes your life worth living. When you hear people talk about finding your WHY, yours always has to do with your family and friends.

If you’re not already volunteering, picking up street trash, or volunteering at the local shelter… you think about it a LOT and often feel guilty for not helping more. You care very deeply about the footprint that you leave on the Earth and try to live your life as sustainably and consciously as possible. 

Your big hopes, dreams and desires revolve around expanding consciousness. You KNOW this is the only way that the world will change for the better. You like sharing these messages with everyone because you know that even one small step is an improvement in the right direction.

Your challenge will be balancing the big hopes and dreams on your shoulders with actionable, practical HUMAN action. The faster you embrace the fact that you are a human, with an ego, the further and faster you will sprint to your destination. Do not make the mistake of believing that you know better than others, this will slow your journey down as the Universe creates space for humility in your life.

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As a Pleiadian, you may have had many challenges in this lifetime. Right when you feel settled, secure and safe, something comes up that rocks your foundation. It’s important to remember that this is an intentional to get you used to change. Because of your past in the Pleiadies, you value stability so much that you often don’t want to change or you fear change (even if you say that you love it!).

Keep your boundaries in check, especially with yourself. You could end up living in a box for much of your life. But even this box is self-imposed, you can leave whenever you’d like. 

There’s a lesson here in embracing your personal power and standing for what you feel is right for you and your own life.


First things first: 

This is just the beginning of your journey! Now that you know your Soul Tribe and how it influences your life, relationships, and purpose you’re equipped to move forward in a new way, to let go of what hasn’t served you, and to align with who you are and where you came from. 

Keep an eye on your inbox for an invitation to join my free private Soul Tribe community to connect with other beautiful beings from all 12 tribes. 

Speaking of the other tribes — maybe you’re wondering… 

“What about the other 11 Soul Tribes?” 


Knowing your tribe is powerful but knowing how you relate to the other 11 tribes is the key to fully shifting your perspective. 

In this 3-Part video series I’ll walk you through a detailed breakdown of each Tribe (including a more thorough overview of your own!) your shared missions, karmic connections, and so much more. 

Part 1

The Atlanteans, Pleiadians, Lemurians and Mayans are all connected through the energy of unconditional love.

  • From creating families and communities to technological advancements in consciousness and rituals for grounding, these four tribes will enlighten you on how to be a better human.

Part 2

The Elementals, Arcturians, Sirians and Angelics teach you how to connect to the Earth and properly ground yourself through simply being in nature.

  • ​Boosting your emotional compass by grounding your spiritual energy into the Earth and learning how to manifest real magic in your life is what you'll learn from these tribes.

Part 3

The Satorians, Flower Elements, Skylarians and Tristarians enlighten you on how to connect with and heal your physical body.

  • ​If you're seeking peace, creativity and beauty, mastering the balance of flow with hustle and walking the line between masculine and feminine energy look no further than these four tribes.

Because you took the quiz and courageously said YES to discovering your Soul Tribe, I’m giving you a special limited time discount to access this in-depth 3-part series The Gathering of the Tribe for just $88.

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I’m an expert at identifying and healing core wounds, passionate about energy healing and I’m obsessed with teaching people how to navigate a Spiritual awakening and everything it entails, in a practical way that won’t take over their life (because it shouldn’t).

I’m a happy California girl that spends the day writing, creating videos and working with my soul mate clients to transform their lives. Most days I have my puppy at my feet while I share the secrets of the Universe with my Soul tribe.