2022 Wrap Up

Biggest Lesson of 2022: Purpose comes from properly investing your energy into things that bring you joy.

My theme of the year: Visionary Growth

How it started:

Catastrophic family issues that essentially demolished what I believed about family and blood bonds. As I write this the week leading up to NYE, I can confidently assert that these issues lasted all year and they were exhausting. I find myself feeling battered, bruised and fatigued. I’m not an astrologer, but from what I’ve read and learned about my own natal chart this year, Saturn was hitting me pretty hard with transits to my family house.

How it ended:

Not much external improvement on this front, but I have learned to re-evaluate my own expectations of family and friends to be less about what others can give me or do for me and more about accepting them as they are. I learned that acceptance is not only accepting others as they are, but accepting myself and how I feel about others and certain situations. Staying in acceptance meant I needed to cultivate stronger boundaries to maintain any sense of peace in my personal life.

Biggest Lesson:

Purpose comes from properly investing your energy into things that bring you joy. I didn’t know what brought me joy when this year started out, but I had all year to figure out it was what I’ve been doing all along. :)

I had A LOT, and I mean A LOT, of mindset work to do this year and as I prepare to leave the battleground that was 2022, I find myself feeling more optimistic than I have felt in three years.

It was the third and most challenging of the last three years for me, but it was also the year I really learned who I am and what I am made of. Since I was so exhausted from battle this year, I also learned to cultivate better boundaries, how to properly care for myself and how to budget properly (financial self-care).

My biggest takeaway has been to choose my battles wisely and only speak up when absolutely necessary. I was shocked, but maybe not surprised, to recognize how many little no-nonsense battles I was always fighting… many of them in my own mind. I realized that this was a subconscious behavior that kept me stuck because I never had enough energy to be in creation-mode, spending time doing what I love to do and enjoying life!

Through extreme challenges and monumental loss this year, I was able to experience gratitude and humility first hand from the inside out. The less I had, and the more I lost, the quicker I learned to be grateful for what I did have. In fact, it was this loss that brought me to my knees and reconnected me with God, who I had felt was not “supporting” me up until this point. This story could be another blog post in itself, but I digress.

October - November 2022:

I want to give October - November their own section because of how powerful this last quarter of the year was for me.

In October, I was sitting in meditation one day and clearly heard, “Right work, wrong way.” I quickly realized that healing work was no longer in alignment with my path. It was a mere 24 hours before I put all of my healing courses up for sale, and shut them down within a week.

November was mindset month where I recognized that my own catastropizing and negative thoughts were keeping me stuck in repeat cycles of not believing in myself. At times, it felt impossible for me to move forward because I was plagued with fear about “it not working.” Business PTSD is a very real thing that small business owners deal with. I was about ready to throw in the towel the entire month, but I wouldn’t recognize why until…

December 2022:

This month, I was reminded about an intention I set earlier this year, “I want to be aligned with God.” Although I spent almost all year trying to save my business, it was this very intention that cracked the foundation of it because my business was not aligned with God.

It was my own words that created the crack in the foundation of my business, and my intention was now working to align me with creating a new foundation. In order for new to be created, the old must go.

By the way, I call it God, but to me, it represents the energy of unconditional love and universal consciousness. I am the least religious person you’ll ever meet and staunchly anti-dogmatic, including spirituality turning into a dogma. :)

I never once felt triggered once I realized that my business was out of alignment with God. I just felt relieved. God doesn’t judge us for how we use our free will. I used my free will to help others heal, clear and release their karma for nine years in the akashic records. It wasn’t until I set a new intention that I realized it isn’t my place to intervene in someone else’s karma. My place is to teach and show people how to do the things that I’ve learned to do throughout the years. When people are ready, they will do it on their own.

I have always had an intention of wanting to help and serve others. It wasn’t until I learned about abuse of power in my own work that I began to take a look at how I may be abusing my power in every area of my life, including work.

You can have an incredible gift of intuition, and still use it to overstep your bounds. This was the year that I learned, “Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.”

And to be clear, it doesn’t mean my work leading up to this has not ‘worked’ or helped others. In fact, I’ve seen miraculous results come from this work, for which I give all credit to God.

What’s next:

I’ve already started a business foundation that is more in alignment with this new awareness, and with co-creating a nourishing, helpful business with God. My intention going forward is to help others connect directly with God and the the universal consciousness of unconditional love.

I will continue sharing about the Soul journey to help others deepen their connection with themselves, with God and with the Universe. It is my joy in life to do this and to share that information with you so you can elevate yourself by deepening your connection.

The very first option to work with God and myself directly is launching on January 2, 2023, in the form of Soul Prayers. You can read more about them here.

Stay tuned, there is so much more to come and I’m thrilled to be sharing the ever evolving work I’m engaging in.

With Love,